April 1, 2021 – Today RWL client Zia Integrated, LLC was awarded a Stage One Medical Cannabis Processor License by the...
RWL Recognized As Leader In Sports Law Field In Hackney Publications “100 Law Firms” List
April 5, 2022
RWL was recognized today by Hackney Publications, the nation’s leading publisher of sports law periodicals, as one of a handful...
Mayor & City Council, Havre de Grace, et al. v. Harford County Council President & Council Members, et al. – Update – Case Dismissed
February 3, 2022
RWL was pleased to represent the Harford County Council and its members in the above matter. The statement below was just released...
RWL partner Madelaine Kramer Katz has been recognized by the Virginia Bar Association Young Lawyers Division with their highest...